
Design and application of GRIN lens in intraoral camera system

  • 摘要: 作为口腔内窥镜的摄像镜头,利用梯度折射率透镜质量轻、体积小、结构简单、分辨率高、成像景深大的优点,研制出一套适合医患交流及进行口腔检查与治疗的医疗装置。采用修正折射率剖面的梯度折射率透镜, 降低系统渐晕,减小畸变,获取口腔内部图像,经CCD光电转换装置转换成电信号,再将电信号经过数字信号处理以后,将该数字信息存储于计算机内部或在显示器上显示出来。口腔内窥镜是集梯度折射率透镜、光学原理、光学材料与加工、微电子、数字成像技术等为一体的新型医疗设备。特别是采用经修正的梯度折射率透镜制造的口腔内窥镜成像清晰, 在图像畸变、景深等方面优于现有产品,而且便于对患者的各种信息进行管理、查询、输出等。


    Abstract: As a camera lens for intraoral camera system, GRIN (gradient refractive index lens) lens has many merits such as light weight, simple structure, small volume and big focal depth. A heat treatment method is put forward to improve the quality of GRIN lens. The boundary conditions are modified to control the refractive index profile in heat diffusion. GRIN lens can be used to achieve the image for oral cavity and the images are transformed to electrical signals by CCD, then electrical signals are converted into digital signals, stored in computer and displayed on monitor.


