陈清江, 张雪. 混合残差学习与导向滤波的图像去雾算法[J]. 应用光学.
引用本文: 陈清江, 张雪. 混合残差学习与导向滤波的图像去雾算法[J]. 应用光学.
Chen Qingjiang, Zhang Xue. Mixed residual learning and guided filtering image dehazing algorithm[J]. Journal of Applied Optics.
Citation: Chen Qingjiang, Zhang Xue. Mixed residual learning and guided filtering image dehazing algorithm[J]. Journal of Applied Optics.


Mixed residual learning and guided filtering image dehazing algorithm

  • 摘要: 为解决雾天场景图像恢复过程中图像清晰度和对比度下降的问题,提出了一种结合残差学习和导向滤波的单幅图像去雾算法。使用雾天图像与对应的清晰图像构建残差网络;采用多尺度卷积提取更多细节的雾霾特征;利用导向滤波各向异性的优点,对残差网络去雾后的图像进行滤波以保持图像边缘特性,得到更加清晰的无雾图像。实验结果表明,与DCP算法、CAP算法、SRCNN算法、DehazeNet算法和MSCNN算法相比,在合成雾天图像上,峰值信噪比值最高达到27.840 3/dB,结构相似度值最高达到0.979 6,在自然雾天图像上的运行时间最低达到了0.4 s,主观评价和客观评价均优于其它对比算法。所提去雾算法不仅去雾效果较优,而且速度较快,具有较强的实用价值。


    Abstract: In order to solve the problem of image clarity and contrast degradation in fog scene image restoration, a single image defogging algorithm based on residual learning and guided filtering was proposed. The residual network was constructed by using foggy images and corresponding clear images. Multi-scale convolution is used to extract more detailed haze features. Taking advantage of the anisotropy of the guided filter, the image after the residual network is filtered to maintain the image edge characteristics, and a clearer fog-free image is obtained. The experimental results show that, compared with DCP algorithm, CAP algorithm, SRCNN algorithm, DehazeNet algorithm and MSCNN algorithm, On synthetic foggy images, the PSNR reaches 27.840 3/dB at the highest, the SSIM value reaches 0.979 6 at the highest, and the running time on natural foggy images reaches 0.4 s at the lowest. and the subjective evaluation and objective evaluation are better than other comparison algorithms. Proposed to fog algorithm not only to the fog effect is better, and faster, with strong practical value.


