Comparison experiment of color correction for color vision device
Automatic vision measurement by color vision device is the development trend of color measurement for industrial application. The average color reproduction error of illumination and the spectral response functions of camera have a strong impact on the measurement accuracy. Therefore, the correction images were obtained by the same camera under the artificial D65 illuminator and the LED array illuminator, respectively, the color correction was performed by polynomial regression method in standard red green blue (sRGB) and CIEL*a*b* device-independent color space simultaneously. Results showed that before correction, the color differences of images were 27.68E and 16.09E, respectively, meaning illuminated by artificial D65 illumination was less than illuminated by LED array illumination; After correction, the color of images obtained by different illuminators was close to each other, the average color differences were 2.56E and 2.39E, respectively. Using sRGB as the device-independent color space was better than CIEL*a*b* color space due to the high accuracy, the simple correction process and the convenience of image display. Finally an actual picture captured by color measurement device was corrected in sRGB color space. The results showed the importance of correction for color vision device.