
Athermalised dual FOV LWIR telescope

  • 摘要: 提出切换式双视场光学系统的结构形式,探讨了切换式双视场光学系统的被动无热化设计理论。在此基础上,设计了工作波长为7.7 m~10.3 m的被动无热化切换式双视场望远镜。采用衍射面和非球面减少光学元件数量并提高像质,切换式双视场望远镜在-55℃~+70℃全温度带内MTF@18 lp/mm0.45。最后对设计结果进行了扩展,给出2个以该结构形式和材料分配为基础的镜头设计结果,结果表明该结构形式和材料分配具有一定的普适性。


    Abstract: Switch-zoom dual field-of-view long-wave infrade (LWIR) telescopes are widely used in IR system,and they have the advantages of high transmission in narrow field view (FOV) and high resolution in wide FOV. This paper established the configuration of a switch-zoom dual FOV telescope, explained the athermalization theory of the switch-zoom dual FOV telescope, and designed a passively athermalised switch-zoom dual FOV LWIR telescope operating in 7.7 m~10.3 m. Diffractive surface and aspheric surface were used to improve the quality of optical system.The MTF was 0.45 @18 lp/mm at -55℃~+70℃. Finally, 2 other lenses were designed based on the designing result of the switch-zoom dual FOV telescope, which indicated that the configuration and arrangement of the passively athermalised switch-zoom dual FOV telescope are applicale in a variety of designs.


