
Design and implementation of parallax measuring apparatus for head-up display

  • 摘要: 针对平视显示器调试过程中视差检测主观性大,不能给出精确量的问题。基于机器视觉,研制了一套平视显示器视差检测装置。装置采用传统光学系统,利用CCD光电耦合器件手动调节,将大视场平行光管十字分划成像,对图像做处理,计算给出视差值。用装置和摆头法测试结果进行比较,结果表明该测试系统提高了平视显示器视差检测的精确度,整个系统的测量精度为28。


    Abstract: Parallax test result is subjective and difficult to give quantitative results during head-up display (HUD) debugging process. Based on machine vision, a set of automatic HUD parallax detection device was developed. The device consists of a traditional optical system and a CCD optical coupling device. The CCD optical coupling device was manually adjusted to image the large field of view collimator reticule, the image was processed and parallax was given based on calculation. Comparing the results obtained from this device with those of manual testing, the results show that parallax instrument greatly improved the HUD parallax detection accuracy, which reaches 28.


