
Refractive index measurement for quartz glass in ultraviolet band

  • 摘要: 折射率是光学材料基本参数之一,采用直角照射法折射率测量原理,以光电瞄准法紫外光信号探测、气浮轴承构成精密测角仪角度精确测量、锁相放大器微弱信号检测、软件分析角度值与光强度变化的数据处理模型、计算机自动控制等手段,完成了一套光学材料紫外波段折射率测量仪,实现了光学石英玻璃紫外波段折射率自动测量,并实际测量得到了250 nm~450 nm波长下光学石英玻璃的折射率值。


    Abstract: Refractive index is one of the basic parameters of optical material. A device for measuring the refractive index in the UV waveband was developed based on right angle illumination method, in which an electro-optical stabilized sight was adopted to detect the ultraviolet (UV) light, a high precision goniometer with gas bearing was adopted to measure the angle, a lock-in amplifier was used to amplify the weak UV voltage signal, customized software was used to analyze the angle value and the variation of light intensity, and computer automatic control was incorporated to realize measurement automation. Refractive indices of quartz glass in 250 nm~450 nm were measured and the measurement results were given.


