
OLED display driver technique based on NiosⅡ

  • 摘要: 为了利用有机发光二极管(OLED)显示屏显示字符及图形,对基于NiosⅡ技术的OLED显示驱动进行了研究。利用FPGA开发环境编写SVGA时序的Verilog HDL程序,设计了适合EMA-100080型SVGA+主动矩阵OLED微型OLED显示屏的SVGA接口;利用NiosⅡ集成开发环境编写C语言程序/控制字符、图形的生成及传输,协调NiosⅡ和FPGA之间数据传输。经调试及验证,表明OLED屏能够显示特定的字符及图形。


    Abstract: In order to display characters and graphs by using organic light-emitting diode (OLED) display, a display driver technique based on NiosⅡ was designed. Verilog HDL was written in FPGA development environment to design the interface to support OLED displayer, C program was written in NiosⅡIDE to control the generation and transmission of characters and graphs and coordinate the data transmission between FPGA and NiosⅡ processor. Finally, the designed driver was tested. It is shown that OLED display can operate properly.


