
Design of aspheric magnification lens for mobile phones

  • 摘要: 为方便老年人、视力障碍者等特殊人群看清手机上的文字及图像,采用ZEMAX光学设计软件,从高折射率材料,镜片面型和类型的选择上,以及从使用双胶合镜或非球面等方面设计了几款手机屏幕放大镜。通过分析手机屏幕放大镜特点,发现用非球面镜片不仅可以改善屏幕周边的像质并可减小镜片厚度。最后,还设计了几种放大镜与手机的契合方式,以克服现有手机放大镜片的不足。


    Abstract: People with poor vision have difficulty in using their mobile phones because of the relatively small size of the screens. In order to help them to see more clearly, we designed several magnification lens for mobile phones with ZEMAX. After analyzing the features of the magnification lens used in mobile phones, we found that the aspheric lens could reduce the thickness of the lens and achieve better image quality on the periphery. At last, we designed several mechanisms for coupling the lens with the mobile phones and overcame the drawbacks of the current magnification lenses for mobile phones.


