
Alignment technique for two-beam focus of laser-fusion diagnostic instrument

  • 摘要: 针对惯性约束激光核聚变诊断设备的精确安装瞄准问题,提出一种新的基于双光束交汇瞄准系统。瞄准指示光学系统采用里斯特显微物镜结构,物像距为180mm,放大倍率为10倍,数值孔径为0.25。机械结构设计采用二维指向可调、沿瞄准指示光学系统光轴可以移动的三维调整机构。系统整体占用空间锥角为28,小于设计要求极限30。分析了系统的瞄准误差,结果表明该系统的瞄准精度可达到25m。该系统瞄准精度有望在激光核聚变靶室得到广泛应用。


    Abstract: A new alignment system based on the two-beam focus is proposed for the exact installation and alignment of the inertial confinement laser-fusion diagnostic instrument. The alignment theory and system configuration is also discussed. The same structure as Lister microscope is selected for the optical pointing system, whose objective image distance is 180mm, magnification is 10 and NA is 0.25. The two-dimensional adjustable and threedimensional adjusting mechanism which moves along axis of optical pointer is adopted in the design of mechanical structure. The space cone angle of the whole system is 28, which is less than the limitation of 30. It is found that the optical pointer error is 25m by analyzing the error of the system, which can attain the design specification. The instrument can be manipulated easily and so that can be widely used in ICF.


