
Wavelet threshold de-noising for MEMS gyro

  • 摘要: 从工程实用的角度出发,探讨了MEMS陀螺仪随机漂移误差的有效补偿方法。根据小波阈值去噪原理,结合多项式函数插值法提出了一种MEMS陀螺仪输出信号的有效去噪补偿方法,克服了传统软、硬阈值去噪方法的缺陷,通过对MEMS陀螺数据分析研究,验证了该方法对于MEMS陀螺输出信号滤波消噪的优越性。


    Abstract: The compensation method for MEMS gyro random drift error is discussed. Based on the fundamental theories of wavelet analysis for signal de-noising, an improved wavelet threshold de-noising method incorporating the polynomial interpolation function is presented for compensating the MEMS gyro output noise. The measurement data of MEMS gyro is analyzed, and the result proves that the proposed method performs well for MEMS signal de-noising.


