
Optical design for middle infrared zoom system

  • 摘要: 由于红外探测系统具有环境适应性好、隐蔽性好、抗干扰能力强,能在一定程度上识别伪装目标,且设备体积小、重量轻、功耗低等特点,在军事上被广泛应用于红外导航、红外侦察和红外制导等方面。近年来,随着红外光学技术的长足发展及其实际应用范围的不断扩展,对红外连续变焦光学系统的需求日益增强。本文介绍了一种采用凝视型焦平面阵列探测器的中波红外变焦光学系统的设计,该系统利用了反射镜的折叠光路,其工作波长范围为3~5μm,变倍比为20∶1。最后用CODE V光学设计软件对其像质进行了评价。


    Abstract: Since infrared systems have features such as good atmospheric adaptability, passive features, antijamming ability and small volume, light weight and little power consumption, they have found wide applications in navigation, surveillance, guidance and military camouflage target detection. In recent years, the demand for infrared zoom systems is increasing in proportion with the development of infrared technology and its applications. The design of a zoom lens for middle infrared system with a staring focal plane array detector is described in this paper. The operating wavelength of the system is 3~5 μm, and zoom ratio is 20∶1. The image quality achieved with the zoom lens is evaluated with the CODE V optical design software.


