
The Design of Current Supply for Diode Laser

  • 摘要: 半导体激光器(LD)是一种电流注入式电致发光器件,其工作特性和使用寿命主要取决于驱动电流源的性能优劣。本文作者设计了一种用于中、小功率LD的新型电流源,它的工作原理是电压/电流转换、电流放大和电流负反馈。输出电流在0~3A范围内可连续调节,当电流分别为2A和3A时,连续5小时内的电流变化量均小于1mA,相应的电流稳定度分别为5.0×10-4和3.3×10-4。另外,该电源还具有抗击浪涌击穿、断电保护和过流保护等多种功能。与以往的电源相比,该电流源具有原理简单、稳定性好等优点,在教学、科研和生产中有很好的应用前景。


    Abstract: Laser diode (LD) is a current injected device whose characteristic and life are greatly dependent on the performance of LDused current supply. A novel current supply for middleandlow power LD has been designed, which operates on the principles of voltagetocurrent conversion, current amplification,and current negative feedback. A continuously adjustable output current from zero to three amperes can be achieved, and when the output current is two or three amperes, the current variation obtained in an experiment within five hours are smaller than one milliampere, corresponding to the stability of 5.0×10-4and 3.3×10-4. In addition, the current supply has multiple functions such as antisurgecurrent,current interruption protection, overcurrent protection,etc. Compared with the traditional current supply,this device has advantages of simple working principle and high stability, and it will be found wide applications in the fields of teaching, scientific research and production.


