Development of Night Vision Instrument in Air-Defense
摘要: 针对我军现代夜间反空袭作战的制约瓶颈——缺乏夜视装备,提出在预警领域采用被动红外周视扫描系统,在先进的火控领域采用制冷式红外热成像系统.在老式的防空火控系统上利用微光和非制冷红外技术进行改造的方案比较符合我国国情,也是比较现实和可行的。Abstract: The lack of the night vision instrument is the bottleneck of modern night air-defense for the PLA.In the advanced air-defense fire-control area,the cooled infrared thermal imaging system can be used,It is compatible with the situation of our country that the low-light-level and the uncooled infrared technology could be used in our old air-defense fire-control systems,and it is actual and feasible.