
The Design of Ka-band Coupled-cavity Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier

  • 摘要: 由于Ka波段耦合腔行波管放大器设计技术取得了较大的发展,已经可以满足军用雷达的严格要求,这种设计技术也受到更多的关注.这里简要介绍Ka波段耦合腔行波管放大器的设计技术.通过介绍Ka波段耦合腔行波管放大器的基本组成、工作原理及设计中仿真工具的运用来说明这种设计技术.用这种设计技术成功设计出了多种耦合腔行波管放大器,在功率和体积方面突破了原有的Ka波段固态和螺旋线行波管放大器的局限,取得了明显的进步.Ka波段耦合腔行波管放大器的设计技术经过实践验证,在输出功率、带宽及重量方面已经取得了重大突破,满足了现代军用雷达的需求.


    Abstract: Ka-band coupled-cavity traveling wave tube amplifiers have been developed for military radar application requiring high power, moderate bandwidth and light weight.The design features and measured performance characteristics of these devices are presented and the basic components of TWT are illustrated. The technology advancement achieved in the radar programs is being leveraged to design Ka-band amplifiers that surpass power limitation of existing solid state or helix TWT systems. The Ka-band coupled-cavity TWT technology has demonstrated output power, bandwidth and weight advantages in high-resolution military radar application.


