
Metrology device for photometric-colorimetric calibration of digital flat panel display

  • 摘要: 结合市面上常见数字电视器件CRT,LCD,PDP等的显示原理及特性,具体讲解光色计量指标测量方法及原理,系统量值传递是通过国家色度和亮度基准标准灯来完成的。利用虚拟仪器技术建立的数据采集及分析系统,可对待测仪器的参数进行实时数据检测和数据分析。整个测试系统亮度和色坐标不确定度小于2%和0.005. 通过对市场主流电视产品的集中检测,将其相对光谱功率分布、亮度、色坐标、亮度不均匀性及对比度等综合参数进行对比,给出了测试结果及各种电视性能分析,为数字彩色电视计量工作提供了参考。


    Abstract: The measurement principle and standard set up for the photometric and colorimetric measurement of digital displays panel are presented. The display principles and characteristics of the major products such as CRT, LCD and PDP are introduced. The whole system was calibrated by standard lamp with the standard transferred from the national primary photometric and colorimetric standard. Incorporated with a new spectral detector and a data collection analysis software based on virtual interface technology, the system can measure the unit under test in real time. The uncertainty of the luminance and chromatic coordinates is better than 2% and 0.005 respectively. Major digital flat panel displays in the market are tested, and their parameters such as relative spectral response, luminance, luminance uniformity, contrast ratio, color gamut are calibrated. The test results and performance comparisons are given.


