
Real-time monitoring of gas-shielded tungsten arc welding pool with DSP-based image analysis

  • 摘要: 针对氩弧焊的特性,利用机器视觉技术实现了一种对氩弧焊熔池宽度进行测量的实时视频测量分析系统。在焊池宽度测量中采用了基于DSP的图像分析技术,不仅保证了测量精度,而且提高了系统的实时性。实验表明:该系统对氩弧焊焊池宽度测量精度高(10μm),响应时间快(50ms)。这种在线式氩弧焊监控系统相对于离线式氩弧焊产品来说,在加工产品的质量控制效果以及成本上都有更大的优势,非常适合流水线上不间断的高质量焊接加工,具有良好的应用前景。


    Abstract: On-line process monitoring is beneficial for maintaining high quality products at high production rate and low cost. The traditional off-line weld testing is costly in terms of time, material, and productivity. Real-time nondestructive testing, however, can be as accurate as off-line testing; yet faster, cheaper, and better productivity. In the field of real-time monitoring, various methods have shown their prospects in detecting gas shielded tungstens arc states. In this paper, a new technical way for real-time weld process monitoring based on image analysis with DSP is presented. The focus is on how to decrease the effect of the arc light and make the system more faster (≤50ms) and more accurate (≤10μm).


