High-speed photography for electrical explosive loaded multi-layer target
摘要: 叙述高速摄影在电炮加载多层铝板实验中的应用情况,用普通高速摄影技术和激光阴影摄影首次得到双层和三层铝板在Mylar膜飞片碰撞靶板后形成碎片云的变化图像和靶板表面的微物质喷射发展过程,观察改变起爆系统充电电压、靶板厚度及靶板之间距离等不同条件下的高速碰撞现象,初步得到碎片云和微物质的运动速度等实验结果。Abstract: High-speed photography applied in electrical explosive loaded multi-layer aluminum target is described. The moving fragment images and ejection of material produced by striking Mylar film on two-or-three-layer aluminum target was obtained with high-speed photography and laser shadowgraph in various conditions, such as different voltages of explosive bridge, thicknesses and spaces between aluminum plates. The speed of the fragments and the micro surge were acquired in the experiment.