
Optoelectronic inspection of in-pipe surfaces

  • 摘要: 管道是气体和液体传输的重要手段,管道内表面的检测对于工业和国防中管道泄漏事故的预防,减少环境污染和经济损失非常重要。随着电子和半导体技术的发展,光电器件逐步趋于小型化。介绍了基于激光阵列、PSD光电检测、光环截面以及结构光检测等光电检测方法的测量原理和系统构成,并在此基础上对不同光电检测方法的优缺点进行了分析和比较。分析结果表明:光电检测技术适用于管道内表面检测;并朝着快速识别缺陷、管道内表面瑕疵的精确三维测量以及三维图像直观显示管壁缺陷的方向发展。


    Abstract: Transportation pipes are widely used in liquid and gas transportation because of its special advantage, but the accident of pipeline leakage comes up frequently because of the inevitable aging and rot of pipelines, which may cause loss of human lives and properties, and pollute environment. Therefore, the pipe inspection becomes an important way to prevent leakages. The optoelectronic detection technology has been used for in-pipe inspection successfully thanks to its visibility and huge information. Because the space inside a pipe is narrow, especially for small diameter pipes, the sensor miniaturization is critical in the optoelectronic detection techniques. Some kinds of optoelectronic techniques such as laser array, PSD detection, light ring section detection and structure light detection are introduced, and their principle and configuration are elaborated. Their characteristics are analyzed and compared.The analyzed result shows that the optoelectronic detection technology is applied to the inspection of in-pipe surfaces, and its development trends towards the fast recognition of defects, the accurate 3-D detection and 3-D image display of in-pipe surface blemishes.


