The method for tomographic computer generated cylindrical holography of three-dimensional object was researched: the diffracted wavefront on the holographic surface was the superposition of convolution between the cylindrical cross sections of three-dimensional object with different depths and the corresponding point spread functions, and the computer generated hologram could be obtained by recording the interference patterns from the diffracted object wavefront and the reference. The 360° view of the object could be observed from the reconstructed holograms. Firstly, the tomographic computer generated cylindrical holography model of three-dimensional object was built, and the conditions of system point spread function and sampling interval in different directions were derived. Secondly, the impact on the spatial frequency and the system transfer function by the radii and the wavelengths of different cylindrical cross sections was analyzed from both theory and experiments, and the peak signal to noise ratio as well as the mean square error were adopted to evaluate the quality of the reconstructed holograms. Finally, the tomographic computer generated cylindrical holography was used to encode the three-dimensional earth model, which represented the information of different observation angles and depths. The simulation results show that the proposed method has wide applications for 360° full field display of the ordinary three-dimensional objects.