Due to spectral power distribution differences, different light sources have different color temperatures and color rendering indices, and color measurement differences vary widely. D65 standard light source closest to daylight color, is standard light source color measurement recommended by international commission on illumination (CIE). But its price expensive, working conditions harsh and difficult to get, non-standard light source is commonly used in actual color measurement instead. In order to study color measurement difference of non-standard light source, a set of solution colorimetric system was designed. Using high pressure pulsed xenon lamp, LED lamp and halogen lamp as light source, and nitrite color experiment as the basis, color difference of three light source were calculated with chromaticity principle. Results show that xenon lamp, LED lamp spectrum distribution is more uniform, the chromaticity coordinates are close to white E (0.33, 0.33), the measured color is close to real color, and halogen tungsten color measurement error is relatively large. Average color difference Δ
Eab of Xenon lamp and LED lamp in
L*a*b* space color measurement is within 10 NBS, while average color difference Δ
Eab of both and halogen tungsten is above 20 NBS.