
Light and information

  • 摘要: 光不仅是维持生命活动的主要能量来源,也是一种有效的信息载体。阐述了光作为载体与信息之间的密切联系,讨论了海森堡不确定性原理对信息的解释,即每一比特信息都对应着一个光量子,受限于所在的信息元,并且与熵的消耗相关。分别给出了满足不确定性原理条件以及超出该限制时的例子,从而证明了时间和频率的分辨率不能被同时观测,但成像仍然可以在确定性条件的限制下获得。


    Abstract: Light is not just the major source of energy that supports life and it is also a very viable information carrier. In this article, we showed that there is an intimate relationship between information and light as a carrier. We discussed the Uncertainty Principle of Heisenberg as related to information, in which we showed that every bit of information (or quanta of light) is limited by an unit cell of information and it is associated with a cost of entropy. Examples are given within the limit and beyond the Uncertainty Principle. We have shown that time and frequency resolutions cannot be observed simultaneously and yet the imaging can also be obtained within the limit of Certainty!


