According to the requirements of design specifications for standard dynamic target generator of space,we improved the Cassegrain RC system,namely joining a hyperboloidal mirror between the second lens and image plane. The optical system can collimate the output from liquid crystal light valve in 0.4 μm~0.7 μm and 8 μm~12 μm,and enable an image system to be tested out of 1° field of view. The effective focal length is 1 600 mm and the relative effective aperture is F/1.2 .The result indicates that the diffuse plaque rootmeansquare(RMS) is less than 0.5,the modulation transfer function (MTF)of the coaxial threemirror system values is always greater than 0.7,and close to the diffraction limit at the corresponding spatial frequency of visible and farinfrared band,hence the coaxial threemirror system meets the requirements of image quality.