
Calibrating method traced to cryogenic absolute radiometer for solar irradiance spectroradiometer

  • 摘要: 为了提高太阳直射光谱辐照度的观测精度,对使用棱镜分光的太阳光谱辐照度仪,在可见-近红外波段开展了基于标准探测器的辐射定标方法研究。建立了可调谐激光器-积分球的辐照度定标装置,以溯源于低温绝对辐射计的标准辐照度探测器作为传递基准,通过替代法得到照度仪在可见-近红外10个波段的绝对光谱辐照度响应度,分析得到的合成定标不确定度优于0.95%。与溯源于中国计量院金点黑体的标准灯定标法进行了比对实验,两者的偏差在4.67%的范围内,证明了此辐射标准传递方法的合理性。


    Abstract: To improve the observation precision of solar spectrum, a calibration method based on standard detector for a novel prism dispersion solar irradiance spectroradiometer was developed in the visible-near infrared bands. With the standard irradiance detector, and the uniform irradiance source acquired from the tunable laser-illuminated integrating sphere, the spectral irradiance responsibility of the spectroradiometer was traced to the cryogenic absolute radiometer in the 10 bands. The uncertainty of this method is better than 0.95%. The deviations with the standard lamp calibratin method traced to the blackbody are less than 4.67%, which validate the rationality of the radiometer standard transfer method for solar irradiance spectroradiometer.


